About Us

Company Profile

Mission: Supply the right welding robots and solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises worldwide.
Vision: Welding robots of effective utility and affordability for SME.
Founded at Sept-13th, 2017.
Total Installations: 1700 + (from 2020)
Location:Shenzhen, South China
Registration capital:RMB 10.8 mln
National High-Tech Enterprise
Company size: ~ 100 people

Manufacturing and basic integration

RobotMeta has our own in-house manufacturing of robot controller, manipulators, MetaMIG series of MIG/MAG machines.

15+ years R&D experience in motion-control products and articulated robots.

RobotMeta was founded in 2017 by Mr. Wang and his team of R&D engineers, who has 15+ years experience in motion-control product development. Mr. Wang himself was also a student of Professor Li Zhexiang, who founded Gooogletech and co-founded DJI. In 2020, Mr. Wu joined with 20+ years experience and resources of welding equipment and products.